There in the pond
among the dead trees standing alone
winter after winter spring
after spring
holding in their stripped-down arms
nothing but wind
and on occasion
the immense weight of stopped flight
kingbird kingfisher redwing
each a kind of leafing out a leaving
There not a tree
not a snapped off limb
a bull moose up to his neck in water
his rack a high drift of wood
Look says the world wood is not
wood it is bone velvet on bone
and look
says the water
its mouth full of lilies and mire
There where once was a gap
the head of a beast
ears peaked now that he’s seen us
And now that he’s seen us
turning his back
slow-loping away
churning the water into rings
that make their way to us here break
against a shore we can’t feel them
breaking against
and in the distance the sound of a door
slamming shut